Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I survived my first hurricane. I would have to say it was actually less dramatic than I thought it would be. Monday morning trying to facilitate class was like trying to facilitate at home when it starts to snow. Everyone is excited, anxious, and really just waiting for the official "we are shutting down" announcement. Every two hours we pulled up the NOAA website to see the official notices and track the storm.

At 12:30 after the government offices shut down the call center shut down. I was with the masses stuck in grid lock traffic for two hours trying to get to the hotel. I finally got off the highway and used general sense of direction to get me there after taking over an hour to go less than a mile. Not a very well executed plan to have everyone go home at the same time but then again just like a snow day at home.

The storm passed by the island and really hit the east side. There winds were good and the rain did go side ways. I tried to take pictures of the surf but it was so humid my lense on my camera kept fogging up. The towns of Fajardo and Rio Grande got the brunt of the storm. Some of the folks at work were without power until Tuesday evening but overall everyone was safe. I can now say I'm so glad Earl is gone, Fiona is passing and it looks like the next thorn in my side with be Gustan early next week. That one can head on north too for all I care.

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