Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh Earl, Do you have to make landfall?

Day 31 and still going strong.

I am now more than half way through my trip and will have visitors over the next couple of weekends which will make it fly by even faster. I am pretty sure my kids have grown a foot each and have developed more than I can imagine. We chat and skype, but it is not the same as being home with them and I can tell my little pumpkin pie is definitely missing having a mama around. Soon sweetie I promise!

I had the best intentions on trekking into the middle of the island yesterday to see the mountains, some waterfalls and even hunt down a coffee plantation but it didn't happen. I chose to stick close to the hotel with the looming threat of Earl off shore and do some shopping in old San Juan. I found new streets to walk down and explore and finally located La Bombonera. I have been wanting to go there since it is an institution in San Juan and has the best mallorca in town. I am sad to report that while I did find it, I had also already eaten lunch so I did not partake in all the deliciousness that is the mallorca. It is now on my to do list with my visitors. For those of you who are curious to know what mallorca is, it's a sweet buttery bun almost like a cinnamon roll except it is not as dense, it's really light and fluffy. You have it heated with tiny bit butter and powdered sugar. It does not disappoint and one of the reasons I'm almost positive I've gained five pounds while I've been here.

Earl has now become a category 1 hurricane and is slated to make its impact on Monday afternoon into Tuesday morning. It is interesting to observe the activity of the island during this time. I know that my coworkers here are getting prepared and I have been updated that so far we are business as usual for work, but that can change depending on what NOAA says at 5 pm tonight. Tourists however are milling unaffected by the prospects of a storm in the next 24 hours. The surf is very rough today. Few folks actually in the water and there are quite a few areas roped off. I have prepared myself with bottled water, peanut butter and jelly, and some "survival snacks" in the form of chocolate. It'll be an interesting ride and all I can do is hope Earl will turn north in the next few hours.

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