Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Storms

I am two weeks into my journey and it feels like it has been longer. This definitely will be a trip I will not forget.

My favorite part so far has been the storms. For the last two weeks I have seen the coolest lightening storms I've ever seen. My favorite so far was last week. I ventured to Condado for the first time for dinner. On my way back I stopped and grabbed a cup of ice cream, sat on a bench overlooking the ocean, and watched a beautiful dance of lights in the clouds off shore. It was amazing to see how high the clouds were and how the lights flashed so many different colors in bolts and sheets. I was mesmerized. Since that first show of lights I have been blessed daily with some sort of encore. Even now as I update my blog there is a light show off shore headed over the hotel. I can see flashes of light periodically fill the sky from my balcony.

Whats on my agenda this weekend? I am off for another "must see" adventure. I am heading to the Parque de las Cavernas del Río Camuy. This is one of the largest cave systems in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. It is also home to an underground river. There will be lots of tourists and tour guides. Surely I will not get lost and be safe!

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